Product List

Only slurry pump impeller

Only slurry pump impeller

  • Gas turbine component overhaul facility. Used parts and turbines available.
  • A portal-type resource site for the world's gas turbine community. An offshoot of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The site offers news, events, resources, and forums for the dedicated gas turbine professional.
  • Explains the basics of jet gas turbine engines. Includes background information, images and useful animations. [HowStuffWorks]
  • Free encyclopedia article covers gas turbine technology and applications. Addresses technical and theoretical background, thermodynamic aspects and research.
  • Community of home-based gas turbine builders. Includes chat, database and photos.
  • Reverend Pomp rants about technology, current events, and radio.
  • Supplier focusing on the GE Frame 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 units.
  • Canadian manufacturer of hydraulic turbines and turbine components serving the small and mini hydro, manufacturing and services market.
  •  & # X005B; Castel San Pietro Terme, BO] The various types of condensate extraction pumps are described with pictures and technical specifications. The turbines, fans, l & apos; supply company, services. (Requires Flash)
  • Offers consulting and supply of new and used wind turbines in Madrid, Spain. [English/Spanish]
  •  Production and sales of clutches and brakes for pumps, fans, compressors, turbines, conveyors and mills.
  •  Głσwny scope of activity is the organization and implementation of projektσw energy use of primary energy by installing heat pumps, silnikσw, gas turbines and solar solarσw.
  • Part of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co. located in the Indian market. Steam turbine based power plants in the range 3MW to 80MW.
  • Manufacturer of the Jacobs wind turbines. They are an upwind, horizontal axis. There are five models available: 10 kw to 20 kw.
  • A Chinese company involved in small wind turbine manufacturing.
  • South Africa has a small wind turbine manufacturer.
  • Developer of 3D massively multiplayer online roleplaying games.
  •  Multimedia poetic creation: Poetry in photography, drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics. flash animations.
  •  & # X005B; Azzate, VA] Production of a range of multistage pumps for high pressure pumps and for heating. L & apos; company, the range of products, services.
  • Manufacturer of turbines, towers, and turbine controllers rated at 3kW to 20kW, for charging the batteries of power systems in remote areas. Includes global distributors, and profile of company in Nutts Corner, Northern Ireland.
  • one sewage pump turbine

    jacketed pump

    Pompes pour liquides chargés

    La gamme de pompes pour liquides chargés propose plus d'une douzaine d'améliorations à la technologie de pompage des liquides chargés DELIN qui est déjà à la pointe du progrès, répondant ainsi aux exigences de productivité et de coût des clients dans tous les types de milieu de fonctionnement.

    Only slurry pump impeller